INDIA | A beautiful trip to remember
I was in India with my friends two years ago. This trip was very interesting. Our small group travelled by plane to Cochi. It is a very big city. Here are a lot of fantastic colonial style hotels. We saw o lot of interesting things in the streets…..
There is a big difference between poor and rich people. In Kerala we went to a lot of national parks. We saw o lot of elephants. We ate many Indian dishes with curry and with o lot of interesting sauces. The Indian women are very beautiful. They wear very beautiful saris. Their hair is black. In their hair they had very nice garlands. We watched some traditional dances: khatakali and kuchi pudri. We were in a lot ofe old Indian churches: Hassan, Halebid. We took a train to the mountains. (Nilgiri Mountains Railway). There are some tea- plantations. We were in the south in Kanjakumari and we went for a trip by ship on the see.